Furniture refers to movable items intended to support kind of human activities including seating (e.g., stools, chairs, and sofas), eating (tables), storing items, eating and/or working with an item, and sleeping (e.g., beds and hammocks). Furniture is likewise used to hold items at a convenient height for work (as horizontal surfaces above the ground, including tables and desks), or to store things (e.g., cupboards, shelves, and drawers). Furniture may be a made of design and can be taken into consideration a shape of decorative art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it could serve a symbolic or spiritual purpose. It may be crafted from a widespread multitude of materials, including metal, plastic, and wood. Furniture may be made using plenty of woodworking joints which regularly reflects the nearby culture.
Humans have used natural materials such as tree stumps, rocks, and moss as furniture since the dawn of human civilization, and are still used in some homes/campsites today. Archeological studies show that people started making their own furniture from wood, stone and animal bones about 30,000 years ago. The first furniture of this period is known from works of art such as the statue of Venus, which in Russia depicts the goddess seated on a throne.
The earliest surviving furniture is found in Skara Brae houses in Scotland and includes chests of drawers, chests and beds, all made of stone. Complex construction techniques such as carpentry began in the early dynasties of ancient Egypt. The period saw pieces of wrought wood, including chairs and tables, sometimes decorated with precious metals or ivory.
The evolution of furniture design continued in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, where thrones were common, as well as universal sofas used for sleeping, dining and sleeping. Medieval furniture was usually heavy, oak and ornate. Furniture design spread during the Italian Renaissance in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The 17th century was characterized by lavish, often gilded, Baroque designs in both the South and Europe. The nineteenth century is usually defined by Renaissance styles. The first three quarters of the 20th century is often considered the dawn of modernity. A unique result of postmodern furniture design is a return to natural forms and textures